Τα Sea Creatures Rings κυκλοφορούν σε δύο μεγέθη. Σε περίπτωση που το δαχτυλίδι είναι μικρό για τα δάχτυλά σας, μπορείτε να το προσαρμόσετε εύκολα, τρίβοντας το επάνω τμήμα της εσωτερικής περιμέτρου με την τραχιά επιφάνεια του γυαλόχαρτου που εσωκλείεται στη συσκευασία.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

Les bagues Créatures Μarines sont disponibles en deux tailles. Au cas où la bague est trop petite pour votre doigt, elle est aisément ajustable à l'aide du papier de verre fourni par nos soins. Pour ce faire, il vous suffira de poncer la partie supérieur du périmètre intérieur de la bague avec le coté abrasif du papier.

Кольца Sea Creatures Rings представлены в двух размерах. Если кольцо слишком тесное, можно легко увеличить его, потерев верхнюю часть внутреннего периметра кольца грубой стороной наждачной бумаги, которую вы найдете в упаковке.

The boat
my boat my rules
34.9 x 51.3 mm, €12.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.
The boat also consists of a needle lace (bibila, small needle-lace geometric motifs) sail, and an optional line with beads.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The fish tail
the fish stinks from the head, but it is cleaned from the tail
35.5 x 55.4 mm, €9.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The flower
Lotus flower bomb
61.3 x 60.4 mm, €9.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The whale
Call me Ishmael...
38.5 x 51.5 mm, €9.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The octopus
I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus garden
55.2 x 57.6 mm, €12.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The mermaid
the mermaid in the great sea
30.8 x 56.7 mm, €9.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The sun
west of the Sun & east of the Moon
43.2 x 62.7 mm, €9.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The peacock tail
Enjoy a pea cocktail
39.8 x 80.8 mm, €9.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.

The peacock
let's have a peacock dance
39.1 x 65.5 mm, €9.50

All rings are made of laser-cut, hand-finished plywood.

The Sea Creatures rings are available in two sizes - in case the ring is too small, one could easily adjust it, by sanding down the top part of the inner circumference, using the abrasive side of the sandpaper enclosed with each ring.
